⚙️$GOS Token Information

Name: Game of Survive

Symbol: GOS

Decimals: 18

Total Supply: 50,000,000

Contract Address: 0x4b2Bb76ABF54893f97f8912cD34a340b04b20551

This is the only $GOS token, any other contract is a scam. Please be careful.

BSCScan: https://bscscan.com/token/0x4b2bb76abf54893f97f8912cd34a340b04b20551

$GOS Tokenomics

Presale: 38%

Marketing: 17%

Liquidity: 14%

Ecosystem: 8%

Cex Listing: 7%

Advisors: 6%

Play to Earn: 5%

Team: 5%

Presale Information

Platform: presale.gameofsurvive.com

Last updated